Vermentino di Sardegna Pariglia - Contini

Varietal: Vermentino                       

Altitude: Up to 200m                                                        Age of Vines: 15-25 yrs

Appellation:  Vermentino di Sardegna DOC               Acidity:  g/l

Alcohol %: 13                                                           Dry Extract:  g/l                       

Soil: Volcanic origin, obsidian rich. 

Tasting Notes: A Bright straw yellow wine, with an opening aroma of hints of flowers and yellow fruit while iodine aromas set the scene for a delicate close. The enveloping palate delivers a backbone of freshness, while notes of almond underscore the finish.

Pariglia is an equestrain acrobatic trick performed during the annual Sartiglia carnevale in February.

Vinification:  Pressing and destemming, soft pressing, fermentation in stainless steel vats at controlled temperature (16-18 °C). In steel or glass-lined concrete for several months then several months in the bottle

Food Pairing: Grill Fish, Shrimps.  


2022  91 pts  Vinous

Tasting Notes
